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Please tell us when will i recieve my maintainence
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The students who want to claim the maintenance allowance from AICTE, as they are physically staying in the college Hostel / Rented Accommodation should fill the continuation certificate in the prescribed format which is available in the institute login of their college. No other format will be accepted.

You can read the respective  AICTE notice from the official website from here

AICTE has informed the institutions that  "The certificate will be issued only if the student personally meets you and shows the proof of staying in hostel / pG accommodation in the form of payment receipt."

Students are required to take and fill the continuation form and submit to your college with the proof of accommodation as soon as possible.

If you have uploaded the continuation form then usually it takes around 45 working days i.e approximately 2- 3 months to reflect the amount in your bank account.

If this does not help you Harneet you can share the exact status of your portal so that we can help you better.

by (281 points)

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