About Us

Some Information about who we are and what we do.

Firstly we thank AICTE for providing us with the great opportunity

This is the community of PMSSS students, by the PMSSS students for PMSSS students.

It is an initiative of PMSSS students and we do not claim ourselves as the official government organization.

We believe to create a positive environment so that the past experience of pmsss students can help other students in the future so that they can avail the maximum benefit from the scholarship.

If you are Confused in the choice filling? No worries we will help just post a question.

Scholarship not released?
Having backlogs and worrying about scholarship status everything will be cleared just post your questions.

Freshers who want to get help in the choice filling, income details everything is just one step away post a question and get all your queries answered .

We do not claim any guarantee for your admission neither we provide admissions to anyone, Please be careful and report us if anyone ask you to pay using our name.

Key features

  • You can ask questions to any scholarship related issue and experts/students will answer soon . Also , people who faced same problem can help you with the suggestions.

  • You can upvote and downvote a answer based on it's clearity

  • You are safe with us only your email and name is required to register . Even if you don't want to register you can ask anyonumsly.

  • Bookmark and support pmsss

  • Please maintain the dignity of the discussion forum.

  • 1,110 questions
    647 answers
    2,903 users