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in pmsss by (281 points) | 1,043 views

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The majority of questions that students face with the pmsss scholarship are still not on the internet. Most of it is in the form of experience with the students who have faced it. As a consequence, most of the pmsss community is divided into different social media platforms and freshers are still unaware and confused with the scheme.

AICTE tries its best to reach out to students and clear their doubts but it is practically impossible for them to clear the doubts for so many students at the same during peak times. Though they have implemented their best methods to resolve issues, it is very time-consuming.

Recent news of Desh Bhagat dental college where 15 students are on the verge of losing admission due to not receiving the scholarship amount from the past three years was shocking and not admirable but a reality.

Many students join the college and start pursuing the course only to get the scholarship so that they will be able to study for free but the students are unaware of the problems they face in the future due to a lack of planning and knowledge before availing of the scholarship.

There are more than 50 youtube channels, more than 1000 pmsss Whatsapp groups in each college, and more than 50 Facebook pages on PMSSS.

On average daily 500 questions are asked on these platforms which shows the need for discussion on a large scale.

The application process is so lengthy that it is obvious to get a doubt at some point in time. There are Frequently asked questions provided by AICTE but they are not able to fulfill the need of students in all scenarios.

If a student is stuck in a problem that is already solved by someone else, then the other students must get help from the past solutions and experience of students. This is not possible in Whatsapp or telegram as they are made for a different purpose.

A website for discussion forum not only benefits the students with past solutions but also provides an opportunity to help other students with their problems.

PMSSS students initiated a PMSSS Discussion forum under the Atma Nirbhar and Make In India programs 2020-2021.

Features of www.pmsss.in (A pmsss discussion forum)

  1. Unlimited Questions and Answers related to pmsss scholarship.
  2. College reviews by pmsss students.
  3. Statewise top colleges and filter options according to zone, state, and stream available.
  4. Timeline for how to apply for pmsss in a very comprehensive way.

The voice of pmsss students must reach to other students so that we can grow together and also those who are unaware can avail the maximum benefits from the scholarship.

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Very great initiative to connect PMSSS students under one roof

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