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For SEBC category you have may reputed engineering colleges to choose under PMSSS

5 Answers

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No one is allowed to register, previously who are registered, in simple, no one is eligible who are registered once and trying again to register.

Also, there is seen some problems related to bi annual students who are unable to register, also those students are not eligible.

I hope you understand, only one time, you are eligible for this scholarship, if you lost the chance, then search about another scholarship.
by (1,134 points)
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Yes, you can apply this year and get a good college your marks are decent. Make sure you are already not benefited under PMSSS previous year

You can check a similar  question from here https://pmsss.in/302/after-joining-the-college-can-i-cancel-my-admission-and-can-i-apply-for-next-year

Kindly share your percentage and stream. So, that we can suggest colleges based upon your score and also the course for which you want to apply.

Also, you can check the top college's list given on our website and make your choice accordingly.

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Yes u can APPLY this Year onlY.

Stay Tuned with Us in order to avoid the previous Problems.

U have Good opportunity to get the Good College as per Ur requirement.
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Definitely bro you have sebc then don't worry..
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Hey bro! Can i get a college in delhi for 404 marks. Om
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yes, you can get admission easily ..only if u hv not taken any payment from last year scholarship
by (4 points)
Cancel admission

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