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I have appeared for entrance exam for BA in a college and i want scholarship for the same college. I have qualified for the entrance in that college as I scored very good marks. Just like medical students add their NEET scores, can we general category students also enter our entrance scores? If "yes" How can I add my entrance details and score?I have secured my seat in that college how can I ensure that I receive PMSSS scholarship in the same college?
in pmsss by (5 points) | 879 views

2 Answers

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Entrance for B.A is not accepted by pmsss . score of entrance exams such as Jee ,Neet and Clat are acceptable under pmsss . You will get admission in B.A without any entrance exam .
by (211 points)
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Revert back with your doubts if any .
by (211 points)

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