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There are various branches in Delhi College of Engineering i.e DU under PMSSS, some of them are:

  1.  Computer Engineering
  2. Information Technology
  3. Electrical Engineering
  4. Environmental Engineering
  5. Electronics and Communication Engineering

For the Computer Engineering branch in Delhi College of Engineering i.e Delhi University, your rank must be in the top 10 in the merit of PMSSS.

For getting Information Technology IT and software Engineering in DU your merit should be in the top 30

The same goes for Civil Engineering which requires rank in the top 35.

For Electrical, Electronics, and Environmental Engineering, your merit should be in the top 500.

Talking about marks If you have 95% in 12th and a category then you have chances to get either CSE, IT, or CIVIL Engineering, but for the open category at least 97% or more than that are required to get in these branches.

With 95% you have chances to get into Electrical, Electronics or Environmental Engineering.

I would suggest you pursue your passion and interest, don't look for only getting admission in DU you can easily get your favorite branch in other best colleges. There are very great colleges you can get with 95% marks.

by (153 points)

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