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Sir my name is not showing in admitted students tab of college login portal for dbt of semester6 while I got only 20k for sem.5(2020-21).When I called aicte pmsss helpline they asked me to upload Sanction order now tell me where to upload UC or sanction order when my name is not there or any other option is also not available to upload?Also, tell me about how to get suspended 30k of sem.5
in pmsss by (49 points) | 945 views

1 Answer

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There maybe some glitch, sometimes it happens, it will be soon recovered by the AICTE.

But you can ask your college to mail AICTE as their own for not showing the name of one student. College can handle this situation better. You also try to mail and also call them and ask them proper full information that what happened in your case? They will tell you the whole procedure, first of all ask your college to mail them and you also call them.
by (38 points)

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