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Respected Sir/Madam
I am studying in Global Academy of Technology Bangalore through PMSSS this year in my 1st semester . I am studying via offline mode since 15 December. Now a problem has occurred to all the students of 1st Semseter who are studying in the same college under PMSSS. Our portal is showing us that "AICTE PMSSS NOT APPROVED" and The reason shown to us is that "SFRC was not attached" and showing us to contact our institute so they can  upload again SFRC . But our college is saying that they are unable to do that and told us to mail AICTE , to open portal for them again so they can upload our SFRC again. 
Please help us. 
Yours faithfully
Sushant gupta
CANDIDATE ID: 2021323666
College Name: Global Academy of TECHNOLOGY (Bangalore)
in pmsss by (5 points) | 1,246 views

1 Answer

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Mail your query to the official AICTE email id. Ask your college also to mail them from there college id as this problem will be solved jointly with the efforts from both side.

but if the SFRC is not attached there should be an option for the college to upload from there portal. it may happen that the window to upload might to have opened that time but it is opened now. So ask your college to check once again and if they still are not able to find the way to upload then they should query AICTE regarding this.

You can also put a grievance from your portal to the AICTE.

Click here to get the official AICTE helpline number and mail 

by (281 points)

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