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If you are not able to upload your documents like promotion, mark sheet, and continuation certificate in your pmsss portal then there might be the following reasons:

  1.  First thing first if you have reached the 3rd semester then you have to only upload the promotion certificate and the marksheet. If you have reached the 4th semester then you only have to upload continuation and marksheet. AICTE has also released the new format naming promotion cum continuation certificate to avoid confusion between both certificates.
  2. Your documents are uploaded by your institution through your college portal and not by your portal.
  3.  Your tab for uploading documents might not be opened this happens because your previous scholarship might be under process and has not been disbursed into your account yet.

You can also ask your college to put grievances through their portal as AICTE replies very fast to the colleges. 

by (281 points)

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