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I got 92% in 12th and applied for PMSSS. I mostly filled tier 2 and 3 colleges like vit pune, mit wpu, VJTI

but was not alloted any college. I filled only 14 colleges in choice filling. Could it be the reason for not getting any seat alloted? and if not, what should i fill for the 1st round considering such high competition this year.
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Yes that is the only reason why no allotment because 14 colleges are very less, you can check in the allotment list that all those 14 colleges would have been allotted above your merit number.

Try to add more college in the choice filling look for the allotment list and analyse it, check for the colleges that students have got who are below you in the merit list. Fill the colleges which are good from that list.

You can fill almost 100 colleges in the choice filling than why not to use the full power of choice filling. It is better if you get any college instead of no allotment right ?
by (68 points)

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